Tuesday, February 2, 2010

One photo in Melbourne, lots in Brisbane, PLUS: Thinking of seeing us? Think Again! #219

Thanks Tom!

Oh yeah:
From Rave Magazine
I Heart Hiroshima / Dick Diver / Bigstrongbrute
Sunday January 24
Dick Diver are an impressively coherent band in terms of musicianship, but their sloppy stage clothes [!] and sloppier banter (including a ridiculously awkward song intro about semi-pedophiliac old men) get in their way. Rad tunes, though.
- Chad Parkhill

Monday, February 1, 2010

3 poems about Brisbane

New Farm
Coffee is a tonic
to humidity more
than beer
Frangipanes or a
block-of-flats' pool
fronting the street
wearing shorts
off somewhere else

Msg Dreams
Stilt houses on the opposite bank mark the tide.
The river eats into the edge. At Cyber City you can get
a beer and a Laksa for not much. On the footpath we
saw a lizard sunning on a step. Thick cut. Its oblivion
to the cameras would make a set jealous. You didn't
want to be anything else. In The Valley
disco-ball flicker migrates round the room
like sun reflected off the river or a geometric flash
of skin at the lights. A security sticker offers refuge
from the pedestrian street.

Disctinction: legs
in pumps,
a glimpse from
Kangaroo Point -
apartments, cranes on
the ridge, virtu.

Brisbane 23-25 Jan

Our trip to Brisbane was great fun! Touring rules and we wanna come to your city! (already planning more interstate trips as I type this).

Saturday we played at the Clubhouse in the Valley. Cops, speedo-frocks and fights. Baptism of fire, very fun gig! Kitchen's Floor were a highlights you should check them out when they come to Melbourne in early March.

Other highlights on Saturday were: Burger Urge (Tom), Frangipanes, basking lizard, Rupe & Louise's Accom. "Spring Hill Terraces", La Roux (sadly bulletproof only played twice though, or was it three times), and MGMT's Electric Feel which tom beefed-up by playing along to during the line check as the DJ wasn't too keen on stopping short his set.

Sunday was a polar opposite to the Clubhouse: day show, all ages, posh gaff. Played at the very swanky Brisbane Powerhouse with Big Strong Brute who were cool, and I Heart Hiroshima who understandably stole the show. Show was packed, everyone loved it, Suzie signing autographs and standing for photos after with streams of people. For good reason: I'd never seen them live before and really enjoyed the set, especially Suzie on kit who is genuinely vivacious and awesome to watch.

Sunday highlights: Smoke machine, Andrew Bartlett bought our EP!, being championed as bastions of anti-paedophilia movement by discerning punter, being told we should change our name for sake of taste by discerning punter, Cyber City, late night Callipo, Bundaberg 'Peachy' drink.

Monday: guerilla pool swim, GoMa, mingled lethargy/relaxed state of mind, seeing Al mont on arrival in Brunny

(Photos to come!)